Emailbot handles 90% of incoming mail
Your customers can get a response without waiting. The emailbot will review the content of the email, suggest relevant responses or answer questions directly. With emailbot, you can reduce your customer care costs by up to a third.
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Emailbot vyřídí 90 % příchozí pošty
Vaši zákazníci mohou dostat odpověď bez čekání. Emailbot posoudí obsah zpráv, navrhne relevantní odpovědi anebo přímo odpoví na dotazy. Díky emailbotovi můžete snížit náklady na zákaznickou péči až o třetinu.
Vyzkoušet zdarma
Enhance customer satisfaction
24/7 support
Reply to every e-mail
Customer behaviour pattern analysis
Product development
Cut costs by almost a third
By leveraging email channel automation, you gain spare capacity in the customer service center. You'll improve service quality and reduce wait times for responses.
Emailbot in Koší handles approximately 20 % of all email communication
The emailbot efficiently handles shopping reviews, allowing the Basket to handle approximately 20% of all inbound email traffic. The main reason was to automate the routine work of operators, which the bot handles with ease.
Additional references
“The advantage is the user-friendly admin, so you can change the responses and add responses to feedbacks quite flexibly. We have multiple templates to keep the communication from being monotonous, and as a thank you to our customers, we also give tips on various features to help make their next purchases easier.”
David Matuna
Product owner, Koší
Emailbot makes your work easier
Categorization of e-mails
Emailbot categorises emails for operators to process and provides managers with an overview of the most frequently processed emails.
Answer whisperer
The emailbot will suggest a personalized response obtained from your system, which the operator will send to the customer with one click.
Automatic replies
Emailbot guarantees a quick conversation with an immediate response. If needed, it recommends a reply to the operator and verifies the availability of the information.
Scale your business effectively
up to 90 %
reducing the volume of incoming mail by handling FAQs directly in email
cca 100
e-mail conversations per second
Meet the ideal assistant
E-mail automation
Emailbot can be connected to any email communication tool that supports a suitable integration interface.
Language processing
It allows you to determine the query category from the email text and extract various values from it. Based on this, it decides what happens next with the email.
Processing of attachments
The ability to automate scenarios based on the number, type, and content of image attachments. These can be saved in the system and then sent to operators.
Intuitive administration
Using a graphical interface without any programming, anyone who goes through our one-day training can create, edit and debug scenarios.
Integration to your systems
The emailbot will be able to store the information in your system, read it and automate the script based on it.
ChatGPT integration
Customers who have a complex product portfolio with an extensive knowledge base can take advantage of the GPT Knowledge addon.
The most frequently automated scenarios
By answering the most frequently asked questions, Emailbot automates up to 80 % of conversations with your customers.
Sending documents
Emailbot can read sent documents such as an invoice, identity document or complaint form and extract important information from them.
Lead generation
With emailbot you can plan a lead generation campaign in one go. Turn your leads into paying customers.
Collecting feedback
Improve your service where your customers really want it by capturing important data from your customers.
Scheduling an appointment
Emailbot will help you schedule an appointment or make a reservation. It can be linked to your calendar to keep it up to date.
Questions about the order
Order cancellation, complaint, order status or even a change in the order will be solved by the emailbot without your help.
Connection to your system
To automate scenarios working with information in your systems, we connect emailbot with many systems. In addition, we can create customized implementations for your own systems.
your system
Emailbot will be up and running in 2 weeks
3 dny
Specifikace scénářů, technická specifikace, schválení budgetu, nastavení akceptačních kritérií.
5 dní
Tvorba emailbota
Vytvoření komunikační flow, interní testování, technické napojení, propojení s CRM
5 dní
Zapracování feedbacku, odsouhlasení kritérií na základě domluvy.

1 den
Zvýšený dohled za účelem dohodnutého přínosu během prvních týdnů a proškolení vašich zaměstnanců.
Want to have time for your customers?
Schedule a meeting with us to find out how best to automate your company's communications in 30 minutes.
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